Elastic{ON}2017 レポートのまとめはこちら!!
Hello! Everyone.
This is Aung Satt from Acroquest.
Today, 03/07(Tue), I attended to "What's cooking in Kibana" session which was presented by Court Ewing; Kibana Tech Lead and Jim Goodwin; Kibana Team lead. They started the explanation for magic of Kibana with "What's new since Kibana 5.0?" which summarized features of Kibana's release after v5.0.
If I summarize,
Released Kibana 5.1.1
- Tag Cloud : Tag size indicates "importance" of term which is relevant to other terms.
- Advanced Monitoring : Added 14 charts
- Search Profiler UI : Drill down to the Query's performance.
- Fastbana : Improved rendering speed of Kibana
Released Kibana 5.2.0
- Heatmap : Highlight over metric values that relates to other data points
- Tribe Support : Multiple clusters support via Tribe Node
- Logstash Monitoring : Out of the box monitoring supports for Logstash nodes.
- Enhance : Added 18 levels of zoom for Kibana's map for visualization.
Additionally, Internalization(i18n) support for kibana had been added. That's a plugin services to translate your Kibana according to your browser's preference language.
Personally, I think, the most likely to change Kibana into a new way of data visualization after Kibana v5.0 was included in "Kibana for developers" topic,
which includes,
1. Kibana becomes Elasticsearch cluster-aware
For your Kibana's plugin, you could specify clusters to query and thus it gives the expansions on your work with multiple clusters, too.
2. A better build system for Kibana
It was said "Goodbye optimizer" by speakers and I am glad that from get rid of Lazy Optimization Loading Screen which takes certain amount of time from us when we are creating Kibana Plugins (or) Loading Kibana. Although, the performance for building Kibana'll be improved, the features such as rebuilding every time Kibana's plugin codes changed. And it'll be still supported by webpack but there'll be no shipping webpack.
3. Improved Consistency
Kibana's team tried to improve consistency of Kibana and makes things easier to develop Kibana plugins which will remain same regardless of browser differences and in between different parts of Kibana and plugins.
4. React will take place for Angular in Kibana
Somehow, this one'll be a big change as today's speaker announce new UI codes for Kibana will use React which will anyway replace Angular.js gradually.
It's sound interesting, right (^^
And Kibana's UI component Framework will be use Stateless React components to build blocks for all user interface which will be styled by Sass out of the box.
Then "Let's be Sassy!".
Anyway, there'll be a lot of session related with future of Kibana on coming days of Elastic{ON} 2017.
Stay in tune, and I'll update with those informations.
Thank you for reading my blog.
Have a nice day (^^.
Elastic{ON}2017 レポートのまとめはこちら!!